Le soin visage Signature Helwé
Le soin du visage Helwé Signature est un traitement manuel rajeunissant qui utilise une combinaison de produits de soin Helwé efficaces et entièrement naturels sans perturbateurs endocriniens, parabènes ou alcool, et implique divers techniques de massage anciennes telles que le Kobbido et le Gua sha.
Ces différents massages aident à stimuler la microcirculation et le flux lymphatique de la peau, favorisant un meilleur apport en nutriments aux cellules et éliminant les déchets métaboliques. Cela conduit à une réduction des ridules, une diminution du gonflement des poches sous les yeux, une peau plus ferme et un teint plus éclatant.
En plus de ces bienfaits, le soin du visage hydrate et repulpe également la peau en profondeur, illumine le teint et restaure le contour naturel du visage, lui donnant un aspect tonique.
Dans l'ensemble, le soin du visage Helwé Signature est un soin anti-âge puissant qui apporte de nombreux bienfaits à la peau.
80 minutes
Type de peau
Tous types de peaux y compris les peaux sensibles.
Problème de peau
Peaux matures, teint terne, imperfections, rides, ridules
I had an amazing experience with a facial massage that was truly exceptional! The effect was incredibly refreshing. Marie had the softest hands, making the whole session a delight. The team is very welcoming, kind, and attentive, ensuring a relaxing and pleasant experience. I definitely recommend it and i will be back ;)
If you’re seeking a glowing & super hydrated skin then Helwé signature facial is the must do. The treatment lasted 1h15 minutes combining different techniques that definitely gave me the results I wanted. I highly recommend it.
"I recently experienced the Helwe Signature Facial and it was exceptional. The treatment was thorough, using high-quality products that left my skin feeling rejuvenated and glowing. The attention to detail and the calming environment made the experience truly relaxing. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for an effective and refreshing facial treatment."
I had a facial today @ Helwe. It was amazing! I felt really glowing.The team was great! Thank you I had a wonderful time!
Dr. Josiane was so helpful and advised me on my skin type and the product i should use accordingly.
Thank you so much for your information and support.
I had an amazing experience with a facial massage that was truly exceptional! The effect was incredibly refreshing. Marie had the softest hands, making the whole session a delight. The team is very welcoming, kind, and attentive, ensuring a relaxing and pleasant experience. I definitely recommend it and i will be back ;)
If you’re seeking a glowing & super hydrated skin then Helwé signature facial is the must do. The treatment lasted 1h15 minutes combining different techniques that definitely gave me the results I wanted. I highly recommend it.
"I recently experienced the Helwe Signature Facial and it was exceptional. The treatment was thorough, using high-quality products that left my skin feeling rejuvenated and glowing. The attention to detail and the calming environment made the experience truly relaxing. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for an effective and refreshing facial treatment."
I had a facial today @ Helwe. It was amazing! I felt really glowing.The team was great! Thank you I had a wonderful time!
Dr. Josiane was so helpful and advised me on my skin type and the product i should use accordingly.
Thank you so much for your information and support.