Le soin "Bonne Mine"
Le soin du visage « Bonne Mine » ou « Bonne mine », à base de nombreux antioxydants naturels comme la Vitamine C (acide L-ascorbique), le Resvératrol, la Vitamine E, le lycopène de tomate, ainsi que les extraits de carotte et de grenade, amplifie la réponse de la peau aux soleil et améliore l'éclat de la peau. En fait, le soin du visage rend votre peau plus lumineuse et plus uniforme. C'est un excellent traitement pour les personnes fréquemment exposées au soleil.
Que sont les antioxydants ? Les antioxydants jouent un rôle essentiel en arrêtant ou en minimisant l’oxydation cellulaire. Ils empêchent les molécules destructrices appelées « radicaux libres » de provoquer le fameux « stress oxydatif » qui endommage les cellules, entraînant des dommages irréversibles et visibles à long terme.
FEU ROUGE : Anti-Aging Express
(ROUGE - 630nm)
Cliniquement prouvé comme étant un traitement efficace pour le rajeunissement de la peau, cette longueur d'onde bien étudiée stimule la production de collagène, d'élastine et d'acide hyaluronique par les cellules fibroblastiques tout en augmentant leur prolifération. Il restaure et maintient une fonction cellulaire optimale, stimule la circulation et le drainage lymphatique et améliore visiblement les signes du vieillissement cutané.
- Réduit les rides et ridules sur tout le visage
- Aide à réduire l'inflammation
- Réduit les signes visibles du vieillissement
- Améliore le teint de la peau
- Augmente la fermeté
- Aide à uniformiser le teint et à éclaircir la peau
- Aide à réduire les rougeurs de la peau
- Aide à réduire la taille des pores
40 - 50 minutes
Type de peau
Tous types de peaux y compris les peaux sensibles.
Problème de peau
Hyperpigmentation, teint terne, peau mature, imperfections, rides, ridules
I love Helwé skincare, been using them for months now and am really satisfied, so I decided to try the Bonne Mine facial. The esthetician was really professional, paid attention to details. She really helps you relax. Though I did not get the glow I was expecting. I felt like it was something I could have done at home with my Helwé products. It is the second time I do facial, and the first time (at another place) I felt the glow for days after. I would recommend Bonne Mine for young girls who'd love to try something new, for a change. And maybe I should try the signature facial, perhaps will get the wanted results.
The overall experience was soothing and the esthetician who did the treatment was very professional and gentle, explaining about all the products she was using. However, I was not very impressed with the treatment itself, I didn't feel an impressive glow afterwards, I have done similar facial treatments where I have seen better eclat in the face.
I'm absolutely satisfied with the results! The skilled esthetician paid meticulous attention to every detail, leaving my skin feeling incredibly refreshed and radiant. The soothing atmosphere, combined with their expert techniques, made for a truly pampering and transformative experience. I can't wait to return for another session!
I love Helwé skincare, been using them for months now and am really satisfied, so I decided to try the Bonne Mine facial. The esthetician was really professional, paid attention to details. She really helps you relax. Though I did not get the glow I was expecting. I felt like it was something I could have done at home with my Helwé products. It is the second time I do facial, and the first time (at another place) I felt the glow for days after. I would recommend Bonne Mine for young girls who'd love to try something new, for a change. And maybe I should try the signature facial, perhaps will get the wanted results.
The overall experience was soothing and the esthetician who did the treatment was very professional and gentle, explaining about all the products she was using. However, I was not very impressed with the treatment itself, I didn't feel an impressive glow afterwards, I have done similar facial treatments where I have seen better eclat in the face.
I'm absolutely satisfied with the results! The skilled esthetician paid meticulous attention to every detail, leaving my skin feeling incredibly refreshed and radiant. The soothing atmosphere, combined with their expert techniques, made for a truly pampering and transformative experience. I can't wait to return for another session!